Equiboodle has moved!

Equiboodle has moved!

What a few weeks! 

Most of you will know, that I made the decision to relocate Equiboodle and cease being a tack shop, taking Equiboodle purely online. Not an easy decision and one that took nearly a year to decide upon fully. But once the decision was made, we simply haven’t looked back!

In fact, everything has gone so well it only reinforces that this move was meant to happen. We have moved into incredible new premises, and as I type this, my windows are open in my new office (picture of office but it’s very empty still!!)  and all I can hear is birds singing and the trees rustling, absolute bliss! Our new premises are very civilised, we are at the back of a lake side business park and it’s really nice to be amongst other businesses. But I was repeatedly asked the following questions during and after the move, so I thought what better way to start the Equiboodle blog than with a little Q & A session!

So why did I close the shop?
It really was not due to anything terrible! We survived lockdown very well thanks to our incredible customers and our own brand of products. But lockdown gave me the space and time to really concentrate on Equiboodle and I adored it. Lockdown showed me that my passion had evolved from running a wonderful shop into the the brand the wonderful shop had become. Once lockdown finished, I realised that the shop no longer held the same appeal for me or my customers, we all just wanted more and more Equiboodle stuff!

Why didn’t I stay at the old premises?

I umm’ed and ahh’ed over whether I should stay, I really did! But ultimately the decision was that there was no way I needed the huge shop floor space any longer with my desire to concentrate on the online side of things. Also I was worried that if people knew we were still there they would still understandably think that it was a physical shop. So we made the decision that a new premises would give us the fresh start and that we may find something even more suitable…

Where did we move to?

We have found the most fantastic unit, it’s got LOADS of storage (for us to fill haha!) a lovely office for me to work out of and design from, and a great white bright mezzanine that is going to make the most perfect studio!

Can we come to the new premises?

Well, yes you can come and collect your orders from us still and as always I love to see you, but there is no shop here for you to peruse. I’m enjoying very much just concentrating on the online side of things for now!

Will you be available in shops?

I have been asked a lot if Equiboodle will go wholesale and be available to other retailers, at the moment I’m saying its highly likely. Especially initially in our local area as I know the local customers do love to try on our products. I’m currently in discussion with a fellow amazing local retailer and so watch this space….

What are the plans?

I’ve got so many ideas and products that my cup is over spilling 😂 This is why I’m so happy to have more time to myself daily now, as the designs are all created by me, and time is what I need to be able to put all of my ideals into actual products! I’m looking forward to really expanding the clothing range for this autumn winter and then hitting the ground running for next with all sorts of horse wear and more!

Have you upgraded the website?

YES! I’m absolutely delighted with the new website! It is so much easier to navigate around and I’m able to make changes myself behind the scenes with absolute ease. We are only in phase one of the new website, it will continue to get better and better but already we have a fantastic rewards system which I had been so keen to get off the ground for ages. One of my tasks is going to be to transfer local customers loyalty cards points to their online rewards - so If you’re reading this and that was you - get your rewards account up and running so I can add your points!

I think that’s all for this first blog! I’m sure you can tell from this just how happy i am in my new abode and with my new website, I feel very strongly that Equiboodle is really coming into it’s own now and I’m totally ready to give it my all, I’m looking forward so much to this next chapter!

Vik x

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